Starting over — Hello World
Good for SomethingEver felt like it's time to start again? Take up a hobby that you haven't done for a while? Doing those pesky home tasks that you always postpone? Just in general anything that you're were doing in the past, but no longer? I get this itchy, annoying, god—awful feeling from time to time, usually at night when I'm about to get some much—deserved sleep.
I have this desire — to share what I've learned, maybe even some educational content — but I've always lacked the commitment to do it. I've started so many projects that I can't even remember how many I've actually created and just abandoned. I start them, work on them for some time and then abandon them. The only thing that sticks with me and has become my job is programming, which I really enjoy, but that is not really the point.
With programming, I usually finish my projects so that other people can try them if they really want to. Other things... Not really. Drawing? Acting? Figure skating? Mapping? Just, you know, things I've enjoyed doing or creating? Abandoned, gone, forgotten. The skills are still there, but they demand consistent practice—some as little as ten minutes a day—just to keep from degrading. And I'm doing nothing. I just can't stand how slowly I'm progressing. The constant irritating feeling of not being up to my standards — I can't stand it — I just burn out eventually.
I am going to try to change it today. I will start small, I will go slowly, I will hate it, but I will go on. I should learn new things. I should persevere, little by little. I think this agony of not feeling fulfilled with progress will go away as soon as I start doing things again. After all, how can you motivate others to do things if you don't work on those things yourself?